Resources: Any person, organization, website, or educational video/text listed in the app"

Resource Type: The Reach Out Platform was designed to offer you maximum flexibility. That is why we created different types of resource classifications. The types are: Person, Organization, Link, Definition, Jump. Every time you create a new resource you will be able to select its resource type. See below for details about each.

  • Person/Organization: Any resource that has either a phone number or a physical address should be classified as an Organization or Person. An Organization can have multiple contacts, while a Person cannot.
  • Link: This resource has a description field and an informational link to an external website. It is useful for policy links/definitions
  • Jump: A jump link takes a user right from the tap of the resource to an external website. This is useful for adding parts of a school website in the free version of Reach Out, and linking to third-party service providers in Reach Out Plus.
  • Learn more about Resource Types in the "add new resource" section.

Catalogs: All of the buttons within the Reach Out App are known as Catalogs. That includes the main buttons on the app's home screen and the subcategory buttons nested under some of the main buttons. Resources are housed in the different catalogs.

Display Map: The Display Map is an option in the menu of each catalog screen. Through the Display Map you can add, delete, or rearrange resources in catalogs. Learn more about the display map in Deleting & Rearranging Resources.

Broadcast Message: A Broadcast Message is a message sent to all Reach Out users that have selected your institution as their active organization. If the user allows notifications from Reach Out, the broadcast message sent from the Console will show up as a notification alert on their smartphone. If the user does not allow Reach Out Notifications, the message will still be accessible to the user in the "messages" section of the Reach Out App.

Resource Attributes: Resource Attributes are the emojis that appear under each contact within the Reach Out App. They indicate key characteristics of a resource (e.g. "confidential").

Tags: Tags are keywords displayed in the resource list that help the user identify the services offered by a resource (e.g. "file report, interim measures, support").

Info Link: The Info Link is the webpage a user will be taken to when selecting More Information" within the app.